Form: Chat (MRes dissertation)
A research project aims to understand how 3D elements can be used to provide context and clarity in thinking processes, and ultimately reduce conflict in communication.
Spring 2023 - Fall 2023
Cirque Beyond - Research
A student project designing future products & services based on marketing research hypothetically for the brand Cirque du Soleil.
Spring 2021
Marathon is a Mental Sport
A teamwork research project looking into qualified marathon runners’ journeys and motivations for marathon running, leading to insights of “what ifs“.
Fall 2020
Form of Your Thoughts
A research project aims to understand how 3D elements can be used to provide context and clarity in thinking processes, and ultimately reduce conflict in communication.
Fall 2022 - Spring 2023
Cirque Beyond
A game, an exoskeleton suit, and an accessory, to help Cirque du Soleil grow based on R&D research.
Spring 2021, 14 weeks
The Art of Communication
A set of luxury earbuds and microphones to help enhance the virtual meeting experience.
Summer 2020, 14 weeks
Spa Savvy
A modeling, rendering and animating project of packaging & beauty products for Donnamax.
Spring 2021
A modeling, rendering and animating project of beauty products for Donnamax.
Spring 2021
Way Back Home
A story about traveling created on a flight. (Literally in the airplane.)
Dec 2019, 12 hours